What a year, I must say! There was a lot of breakthroughs - solo trips, leaving my job of 8 years, studying again, living away from the family for the first time ever, embracing the unknown, taking uncalculated risks, starting all over again. Basically, being that tiny David facing some of my Goliaths.
When making life-changing decisions, I'm learning tons of things. One is that I am bigger (not literal) than my fears. Second, I can do the things I tell myself I can, and lastly, relationships are the most important treasure in this life. Relationship to yourself, to your Creator, and to the people in your life (old and new).
And so I am starting this new series inspired by an admirable blogger, Bianca Gonzales-Intal, honoring the people who have been a significant part of my year.
1. Pugad Baboy Family
Not only because my first adventure of the year was with them but because they are friends from we were thirteen until now that we are thirty. It always feels home when I am with them. I will always be grateful to be part of this group of wierdos and crazies.
2. Healthy Babies
My dear HB, oh how much I love you! This year, we started this chatroom in FB. Well, we have a secret FB group for years but I feel that it is only this year that we've started communicating more often. We find comfort and strength from each other even only through messages. You girls are rocks I can lean on to.

3. Champoy and Melai
I am inspired by these two. Their passion, dedication, and dreams make me alive. They say surround yourself with dreamers and I feel that every cell of my body jumps in hope and gratefulness for this life when I am with them. They make me dream even higher but at the same time, grateful for what is at hand.
4. MSU Travelbugs
The past 8 years of my life were filled with memories of these people. We have been everywhere. We traveled, worked, succeeded, failed, laughed, cried, ate, got drunk, sang, danced, slept and grew together the past years. We have witnessed each other's life's events from the simplest to grand ones. They were the first ones to tell me to follow my dreams. I loved working and travelling with you, travel bugs! I am looking forward to more grand life events with you!
5. Ate My and Derek
Their love story makes me believe in true love. For someone who has seen Ate My's journey, it seems so magical how she finds her one true love in Derek. And it feels so good to have witnessed the happiness that these two people bring in each other. I was smiling the whole time I was around them. And my heart was in deep gratitude to the Lord for bringing them two together. It was an honor to be your maid of honor on your church wedding in the Philippines. I will always celebrate your love with you.
6. Father Bienvenido F. Nebres, S.J.
I have read and admired his C.V. even before I started studying in ADMU. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought of taking a class of a national scientist. What an honor! I have high respect for his love and passion for his every endeavor. He has so many feathers in his hat, I cannot seem to fathom how he manages all those.
7. Dr. Edna Oconer
She's one intelligent, strong, and graceful human being. I was blessed by her trust in me and my capabilities. She did not know me that much but she still believed in me. How wonderful and risky is that at the same time? To give some "stranger" a task and believe that he or she can do it is a trait I think only true leaders have. MSU must be so thankful to have you, Ms. O. I salute you, your works, and your leadership. I hope to be working with you again in the future!
8. Classmates
What a crazy roller coaster ride it has been with these new people in my life. Wouldn't have made it through the last four months without you. To more sleepless nights, problem sets, and exams in the coming year! "Good luck guys. I love you all!" :)
9. MSU friends
They are my second family for the past eight years and they are always missed! It is hard to let go and move on from something so happy and beautiful. There goes my poor EQ. What a wonderful time it was with you, friends!
10. Family
"You will never know the value of something until it's gone." It was my first time to be living away from the family. Actually, I tried living two years away from them but it was only like 15 kms away and I could go home anytime I wanted. Thus, being hundreds of kilometers and thousands of islands away from them was a whole new idea for me and it was not easy. I got so home sick, I was calling, texting, and skyping everytime. And then it struck me that when everyone else is gone, is fighting their own battle, the only ones who will be there for you will be your family. And there are also those friends who are like family. I value them now more than ever. They have become all my reasons.
As the year comes to an end, I get sentimental. I always do! I also feel this a day before my birthday. There is something about ending a chapter of life and starting anew that gives my throat a lump and then a smile to my heart.
Thank you my God for a year of courage and love! Hello 2016!