Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yummy Gensan: Sandwiches at Little Kitchen

Little Kitchen is in my list of to-go restaurants for so long. Finally I found time to see what it has to offer.

Describing the place as little was at first so odd to me that I became so curious. What's little in it? Is it the plate, the spoon, the glass, the waiters, the tables or the food? I hope it's not the food because I'm a big eater.

The place from outside is so welcoming. Their signboard is perfectly done for personalities like mine. At first glance, it's so homey (which is what I really look for in a place) plus the vintage look. Love it!

When I entered, I was relieved to see that the tables and chairs were not little and so with the waitresses. And definitely not the food!

I had a chicken cordon sandwich that's so gigantic! I had to upgrade my eating skills. :) It's not anymore normal for a sandwich. Hee hee. And I like it as it is. Love the shake, too! Plus the fries and the prawn crackers. Did I just order for a sandwich? The plate was so full!

The other sandwich you see on the photo is a tuna sandwich.

Now why is it called Little Kitchen again? Because the place is not so wide but it's not also so tiny. You can still move around. Whoever wishes to go tumbling and jogging can still do. Maybe one tumbling and few jogs. :)

The place fits a small intimate gathering of family or friends. Definitely recommended for a quiet moment of solitude.

Location: Quirino St.

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