Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Creamy Carbonara

Want to do something special for the day? You feel like cooking? I have an easy and delicious recipe for you :)

I got this recipe from the internet some time ago and have modified it a little bit to fit the discriminating taste buds of my family. :) My brothers want it more meaty. My mother wants it to have more mushrooms. And I want it cremier. :)

I've tried this several times at home when my brothers request for a quite heavy afternoon snack. It's so easy to prepare and very affordable. :) For a 400 or 500 gram pasta, it'll cost you a little less than P300. And it can serve 6-8 persons.


400 g pasta (Any type. Be experimental on the type of pasta.it's fun! :)..)
200 g cooked ham, sliced into dice (I use the Sunpride cooked ham. Never tried anything else.)
1 big can mushroom ( Mushrooms are delicious!)
2 250 g Nestle cream (or Alaska. For me, it doesn't really make a difference)
1 smallest size of Eden cheese :) (For cost-cutting purposes :)...)
2 beef cubes (It's what I use so I don't have to experiment with other seasoning)
2 tbsp of butter (It adds to the taste and aroma. But vegetable oil will do)
1 medium white onion
1 tbsp minced garlic

1. Cook pasta according to label instructions. Set aside.
2. Saute onion and garlic with the butter. Be careful not to overheat the pan so as not to burn the butter.
3. Add in the diced ham and cook for a little while until slightly brown.
4. Add in the mushrooms. Mix until slightly brown. Or just until it mixes well with the ham.
5. Add the Nestle Cream and simmer until it slightly boils. (You can also add half cup of water.)
6. Add the cubes and the cheese.
7. Season with salt and pepper.
8. Add the pasta and mix well.

There!!! You have a creamy pasta carbonara! :)

1. Carbonara is best served when hot.
2. You can use chicken strips instead of ham. And chicken cubes instead of beef.
3. There are pastas which are bought in 500g packs. Use 3 packs of Cream so as to achieve the creaminess even until you reheat it for the next day.
4. Presentation says it best. So, in everything you cook, use the best serving dish! :)

Happy cooking! :)


Mylene said...

Mmmm... I can still remember the taste of your creamy carbonara ems! :)

Thanks so much for making one for us. I'll try to make one later for Mommy and the family..

Miss u sistah! Mwaah!

Ems Auj-Tam said...

hey te! this is somehow one of the gud things that u'r far. :) hehe.. hope they like the carbonara te.. enjoy cooking!

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