I'm the type of person who can work not minding my workplace... which could be good at times because I get to remain focused even under the piles of paperworks around me. These are papers which I can't let go of. Grades, quizzes, handouts of previous semesters and even years. Letting go's and goodbyes are the hardest things for me. And these, too apply to my papers.
When I was about to look for something, I had to dig under mountains of papers and books. And several minutes are wasted because I had to take one pile to the other or take out some things from my drawer and bring them back in again. Good if I find that something but on several occasions, I just give up. Haaayyyy..
And then on a very lovely mood one beautiful morning, when I found myself looking for something to do, I finally decided to let go of everything I'm not supposed to keep. :) Letting go's aren't that sad after all.
And now, I have more organized workplace and a more organized and peaceful me. :)
Let me give you a look on the fruit of my labor :)
This is my table in the faculty room. I have my books and notebooks arranged on the filer at the right side. I have few kikay things on the same side. I have my mirror, my snowglobes, my pen holders. I have the collection of my godchildren's pictures under the glass, as well.
All the papers were gone. Yey! And I'm feeling all good! :) It's a Start.
All the stuff on my table are gifts.
I love snowglobes. Aside from spaghetti, quiet moment with a snowglobe would "de-stress" me. The one at the left was given by Ate My from Yokohama. At the right was from Ate Doli. She gave me that when we both celebrated our 2nd year in MSU. And the biggest one was from Drew. The clear view of the figures inside the globe gives me tranquility.
This one was a giveaway from my godchild Zach's Christening. This inspires me to smile and stay happy.
Marich, my household member, gave this as a Christmas present last December.
And this one is my favorite. It's from my Ate. Her officemates gave this to her on her birthday. But she knew I loved happy piggy stuff so she gave it to me.
I love starting something new! :)
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