Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Struggle: Singaw (Mouth Sore or Canker Sore)

Since I got my braces this had always been my struggle. It's just so painful. Whew!

From what I've read:

"The exact cause of many aphthous ulcers is unknown. Factors that provoke them include stress, fatigue, illness, injury from accidental biting, hormonal changes, menstruation, sudden weight loss, food allergies, the foaming agent in toothpaste (SLS-Sodium Lauryl sulfate), and deficiencies in vitamin B12,iron and folic acid." - wikipedia

Mine are I guess were often caused by accidental biting and contacts with my braces. This would cause me to eat less and eventually, to lose weight. I can't eat well :(

At first, mouth sores were just tolerable. I just gargle salt solution. It somehow relieves a bit of the pain but as my mouth dries again after talking (especially during lectures), I struggle again. My dentist says, it's just normal for my present state. It's a consequence of having these braces. I forgot the medicine that she told me whenever I'd have one. And so, I went straight to the pharmacy and the pharmacist recommended this Dequadin . It says it's an oral paint and its generic name is Dequalinium chloride. The label says it's for the treatment of mouth and throat infections. And so I bought it. True enough, it soothes my pains. It wasn't much of a struggle anymore. But I noticed it didn't really cure the sores. It only relieved me of my pains. (Omg! Was it only a pain reliever?)

I still kept using it everytime I got sores for about 2 months. But there was a time when I had this big canker sore outside my lower lip. It wasn't that painful because it was exposed to the air and it didn't touch my braces. And so, it was just ok. Not until, it looked odd already. I had this some sort of a rice grain on my lip always.

And then, I tried TAWAS.

It was highly recommended by a friend but I chose to listen to the pharmacist (which maybe had not experienced having one) over my friend (who confessed to have used it everytime he had one). I tried his advice one night and surprise! When I woke the next morning, the pain was gone and the "rice grain" almost faded.

I don't know what a tawas has but thanks to it! I'm now so armed against mouth sores! :)

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