Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baking Expert Wanna Be

Yeah! That's me! :) I'm a baking expert wanna be! I thought of something to do for the summer (the last summer). So I enrolled myself in a 10-day baking course. The school would not give classes to less than 10 students so they told me to wait for more enrollees. Summer enrollees were very few then but I still waited. I was always hoping that when an SMS arrived, it's a signal that classes would start but naaahhh. My supposedly summer thing actually started 2 months after summer. 

My excitement level turned down to 4.5 (with 10 as the highest). Nevertheless, I was eager to learn something new. I love learning and discovering new things, enrolling in classes where I know my passion  lies. Ooppss.. Did I just say baking is one of my passions? 

Guess what? I think it really is!!! I love everything that tastes good! This blog has turned into some kinda food blog for the past weeks but it's not. Food is just my current obsession. :) More than trying out new restaurants and tasting new flavors, it's in cooking that I find more joy. It's my way of making other people happy!

I actually have enrolled in cooking classes 4 years ago. The time when I thought I had to prepare myself for marriage and cooking was an essential skill to be a good wife. :) Haha!  And the good wife becomes better if she knows how to cook. And the better wife becomes the super best when she serves great-tasting meals.   (Those silly thoughts.) Four years after, I'm not yet married. And I'm not cooking very often anymore. I've become a seasonal cook. Heehee...

I didn't know what came into me that I decided to enroll again but this time, I'm attempting to bake. :) I've never baked my whole life so everything was like learning the alphabet to me. It's like learning calculus for the first time. You feel like floating on air because the terms sound so alien and you're so eager to learn already so you can cope up with others. This is how a student feels. I'm feeling it all over again and I'm loving it. :)

Here are some of what we have done!

Looking so delicious! These all taste good, too! These are all products of group effort so don't be impressed with me just yet. :)

Watch out for my baking attempts in upcoming posts. :) I'm so excited! 

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